Belindamuart - HelloBeauty
Jakarta Timur - DKI Jakarta
Chanel, Tomford, Dior, CDP, YXL, Makeup Forever, Urban Decay, Shu Uemura, Too Faced, Bobbi Brown, etc

Job Done
May 2018

Member Since
Rating From 84 Reviews


Beauty Class
Self Makeup
Belajar jago dandan sendiri, akan diajarkan detail pengenalan produk dan tools makeup Include: Certificate, Makeup & tools are provide, Attire and accessories (Belindamuart’s collection)
IDR 800.000,00
For 3 hours
Basic to Pro (exclude model)
1x Pertemuan, Exclude Model, Include: Certificate, Makeup & tools are provide, dipinjamkan Attire and accessories Belindamuart’s collection, hairstyles for model and Meal
IDR 1.800.000,00
For 5 hours
Professional Wedding Makeup (exclude model)
1x Pertemuan, Exclude Model, Include: Certificate, Makeup & tools are provide, Attire and accessories by Belindamuart’s collection, hairstyles for model and Meal, akan diajarkan rahasia teknik complexion anti geser, halus dan awet tahan lama, belajar pasang bulumata yang rapi dan teknik jait mata, belajar berbagai macam teknik dan trend eyeshadow, belajar teknik alis dari bushy eyebrow sampai onfleek dan no trim eyebrow, belajar makeup wedding manglingi dan rapih, bonus: belajar airbrush makeup
IDR 2.300.000,00
For 6 hours
Professional Wedding Makeup (Paket Hemat - Include Model)
1x Pertemuan, Include Model, Include: Certificate, Makeup & tools are provide, Attire and accessories by Belindamuart’s collection, hairstyles for model and Meal, akan diajarkan rahasia teknik complexion anti geser, halus dan awet tahan lama, belajar pasang bulumata yang rapi dan teknik jait mata, belajar berbagai macam teknik dan trend eyeshadow, belajar teknik alis dari bushy eyebrow sampai onfleek dan no trim eyebrow, belajar makeup wedding manglingi dan rapih, bonus: belajar airbrush makeup
IDR 2.500.000,00
For 6 hours
Basic Make Up (Party, Graduation or Daily Make Up)
Makeup + Hijabdo
Makeup include Hijabdo, Graduation/Prom/Buku Tahunan/Party/Meeting/ Bridesmaid, etc Using High End Produk and Premium Brand, (Exclude Transport)
IDR 500.000,00
For 1 hour and 30 minutes
Makeup + Hairdo
Makeup + Hairdo, Graduation/Prom/Buku Tahunan/Party/Meeting/ Bridesmaid, etc Using High End Produk and Premium Brand, (Exclude Transport)
IDR 600.000,00
For 2 hours
Makeup Only
Makeup Only, Graduation/Prom/Buku Tahunan/Party/Meeting/ Bridesmaid , etc Using High End Produk and Premium Brand, (Exclude Transport)
IDR 700.000,00
For 1 hour and 30 minutes
Makeup + Hijabdo (Group - for 3 Persons)
Makeup + Hijabdo Group (3 Person) Graduation/Prom/Buku Tahunan/Party/Meeting/ Bridesmaid, etc Using High End Produk and Premium Brand, (Exclude Transport)
IDR 1.350.000,00
For 1 hour and 30 minutes
Makeup + Hairdo (Group - For 3 Persons)
Makeup + Hairdo ( Group 3 Persons) Graduation/Prom/Buku Tahunan/Party/Meeting/ Bridesmaid, etc Using High End Produk and Premium Brand, (Exclude Transport)
IDR 1.650.000,00
For 2 hours
Sweet 17th Birthday Make Up
Makeup Only (Birthday Party)
Makeup Only Birthday Party (yang berulang tahun) exclude transport fee
IDR 500.000,00
For 1 hour and 30 minutes
Makeup + Hijabdo/Hairdo (Birthday Party
Makeup Birthday Party Include (Hairdo/Hijabdo) untuk yang berulangtahun Harga belum termasuk transport fee
IDR 750.000,00
For 2 hours
Engagement Make Up
Makeup + Hijab (Engagement)
Makeup untuk acara lamaran, pengajian, siraman (include Hijabdo) Harga belum termasuk asesoris, bunga dan transport fee
IDR 750.000,00
For 1 hour and 45 minutes
Makeup + Hair do (Engagement)
Makeup untuk acara lamaran, pengajian, siraman (include Hairdo) Harga diluar asesoris, bunga dan transport fee
IDR 800.000,00
For 2 hours
Makeup + Hairdo (Martupol)
Makeup untuk acara Martupol Include hair do + bunga standart hairdo Harga belum termasuk transport fee
IDR 1.000.000,00
For 2 hours
Mother or Sister of The Bride Make Up
Makeup only for Mother/Sister of Bride/Groom
Makeup only (No Retouch) With retouch extra charge Rp 250,000 (same day)
IDR 550.000,00
For 1 hour and 30 minutes
Makeup Sister of Bride / Groom (Saudara kandung pengantin)
Makeup include Hair do/Hijabdo With retouch + Rp 250,000,
IDR 650.000,00
For 2 hours
Makeup Mother of Bride / Groom (Makeup Orang Tua Pengantin)
Makeup include Hijabdo/Hijabdo With retouch +Rp 250,000
IDR 700.000,00
For 2 hours and 15 minutes
Photoshoot Make Up
Makeup Only for Photoshoots
No standby no touch up
IDR 800.000,00
For 1 hour and 45 minutes
Photoshoots Service Package (Makeup + Hijabdo/Hairdo)
No standby no touch up
IDR 1.000.000,00
For 2 hours
Makeup only for photoshoots (standby)
Standby 4 hours max Include touch up
IDR 1.100.000,00
For 6 hours
Pre-Wedding Make Up (No Retouch)
Pre-Wedding Makeup (Makeup Only)
Makeup Only, No standby No touch up With retouch & Standby 3 hours +Rp 350,000
IDR 800.000,00
For 1 hour and 45 minutes
Pre-Wedding Make Up (Full Day include Retouch)
Pre-Wedding Service Package (Makeup + Hijab/Hair)
Standby 4 hours include Hijab/Hairdo and touch up
IDR 1.900.000,00
For 8 hours
Wedding Make Up
Test makeup wedding
IDR 1.000.000,00
For 3 hours
Makeup Only for Akad/Reception (no retouch)
Makeup pengantin.. (1x makeup only) Untuk akad saja atau untuk resepsi saja Include transport
IDR 2.000.000,00
For 3 hours
Makeup only + Retouch (Akad/Pemberkatan + Resepsi)
IDR 2.700.000,00
For 3 hours